Following is a list of questions as answered by Sheikh Fadhel Al-Sahlani, the North American Representative of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Hussaini Al-Sistani (May Allah give him long life)

How to offer prayers
OpenFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
243 views1 answers0 votes
Sexual Needs
OpenFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
333 views0 answers0 votes
Disclosing mother’s sin
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
230 views1 answers0 votes
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
202 views1 answers0 votes
Is 9th of Rabi’al Awwal marks as a Day of Eid
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
224 views1 answers0 votes
General Finance Questions
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
231 views1 answers0 votes
Praying / wudu – with these beauty treatments
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
243 views1 answers0 votes
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
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AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
215 views1 answers0 votes
Leader of Friday Prayers
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
223 views1 answers0 votes
Regarding Bibi sakeena taboot
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
218 views1 answers0 votes
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
225 views1 answers0 votes
Disclosing mother’s sin
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
215 views1 answers0 votes
What is the Evidence For taqlid and khums
AnsweredFiqh Department answered 6 months ago • 
244 views1 answers0 votes