Following is a list of questions as answered by Sheikh Fadhel Al-Sahlani, the North American Representative of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Hussaini Al-Sistani (May Allah give him long life)

Closedmehdi answered 12 months ago • 
190 views1 answers0 votes
Tashad main alinun wali allah
Closedmehdi answered 12 months ago • 
477 views1 answers0 votes
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
295 views1 answers0 votes
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
1002 views1 answers0 votes
How much is Zakat al-fitrah for Eid 2023
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
401 views1 answers0 votes
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
224 views1 answers0 votes
Traveling While Fasting During Ramadan
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
261 views1 answers0 votes
Muta with Virgin Jewish or Christian girl
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
458 views1 answers0 votes
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
259 views1 answers0 votes
Matsurbation in Ramadan
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
456 views1 answers0 votes
follow up : Mutah with a not Virgin girl
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
731 views1 answers0 votes
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
271 views1 answers0 votes
Mutah with a Virgin girl
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
1111 views1 answers0 votes
Sunni and Shia marriage
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
5832 views2 answers0 votes
Sajda e Tazeemi
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
1214 views1 answers0 votes