Can a syeda girl marry a sunni guyCategory: QuestionsCan a syeda girl marry a sunni guy
Zeena asked 3 years ago

I’ve been meaning to ask this question for a long time and I really want to understand why or why not a syeda zaidi or abidi can’t or can marry a sunni guy.

1 Answers
mehdi answered 3 years ago

أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

We hope this answer reaches you in good health and Islamic spirit.

Based on your specific question and information provided.

From the Islamic Fiqh / Jurisprudence perspective.

مسألة 215: يجوز زواج المؤمن من المخالفة غير الناصبية، كما يجوز زواج المؤمنة من المخالف غير الناصبي، على كراهة، نعم إذا خيف عليه أو عليها الضلال حرم.

منهاج الصالحين – السيد السيستاني – ج ٣ – الصفحة ٧٠
Minhaj al-Salihin – Sayyid al-Sistani – Part 3 – Page 70 : Edition 7:  Year 1998.

Rough English Translation( you should consult an Arabic speaking person or take it to your local Mosque to the scholar to explain the proper Arabic words/terminology/essence). : It is allowed for the believer to marry a woman from the other sect, (on the condition that she is ) not a Nasabi (Nawasib) and it is allowed for the believing woman to marry a person from the other sect (on the condition) he is not a Nasabi (Nawasib) , and it is  ( كراهة ) (Makrooh / Not recommended ). If there is  fear on him or her that they will be misguided ( go astray/ loose Imami Shia Faith/ Aqidah / Fiqh ) than it is  ( حرم) ( Haram / Forbidden ).

Updated explanation of the last sentence above (1) ( نعم إذا خيف عليه أو عليها الضلال حرم)

مسألة 215: يجوز زواج المؤمن من المخالفة غير الناصبيّة، كما يجوز زواج المؤمنة من المخالف غير الناصبيّ على كراهة، نعم يحرم إذا خيف عليه أو عليها من أن يؤدّي إلى الانحراف في العقيدة أو المنع من أداء الوظائف الشرعيّة وفق مذهب الإماميّة.


Rough translation of the highlighted text : Yes, it is (Haram) forbidden if it is feared that he or she will lead to a deviation in the  ( العقيدة ) Creed / Aqidah  or prevent him/her from performing the Islamic Shari’ a duties according to the ( مذهب الإماميّة ) Imami school of thought ( Fiqh / Jurisprudence).


Note: Nawasib (i.e. those who are enemies of (the Holy Imams (عليه السلام) and Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra (sa) ),  are  impure.

The Islamic Scholars have divided the Islamic teachings in three parts.Fundamental of Faith ( Belief / Aqidah), Islamic Ethics / Morals, and Islamic Law/ Fiqh / Jurisprudence. The “institution of  Marriage” is covered by all three. The “Marriage Contract” is cover by Islamic Fiqh. The issue related to Fundamental of Faith and Ethics /Morals, preferences of Sayyids or non Sayyids or Marriage between the Imami Shia and other sects and the risks(*) involved are discussed with in the family and discussed / explained by / with the scholars of Theology / Ethics. Islamic Jurists ( Lawyers ) are concerned mostly with the legality, terms, conditions, rights and obligations under the “Marriage Contract”.

Sayyid in Fiqh / Jurisprudence terminology are the descendants of  Hashim ( Hashimi).

Sayyids in common religious understanding or Aqidah. (Syed / Sayyid  / Sadat) are the direct descendants of Muhammad Al-Mustafa (Peace be upon him and his pure Progeny)  thru Sayyida Fatima al-Zahra (sa) and our master Amir al-Mu’minin, Imam al-Muttaqeen ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (عليه السلام) . (Surah 108 Al-Kawthar).

Regarding you as a Sadat/Sayyid, from the Fiqh point of view , Khums is for Sayyids,  Zakat / charity is forbidden on Sayyids, Sayyid woman marring a Non Sayyid the descendants will be from the Fathers side (Non Sayyids). it is up to you and your family to discuss these and other matters. ( marriage is an Aqidah issue ).

والله العالم‎
(and Allah(awj) Knows best)

If you have further questions kindly contact us at (718) 297-6520 Ext 113 Monday to Saturday between 11:AM – 3:00 PM.

