The Imam Al-Khoei Foundation strongly condemns the mass shooting of innocent civilians yesterday in the city of Orlando. We are profoundly saddened by the loss of 50 lives and our deepest condolences are with the family and friends of the victims, as well as the many others who were injured.

There can be no justification for murder and all those who commit these heinous crimes cannot do so in the name of any faith.

It was widely reported that the perpetrator of yesterday’s attack pledged allegiance to ISIS (Daesh), a vicious terrorist gang that uses hateful interpretations of Islam to justify its brutal acts. As a Muslim organization, we understand as well as any other victims, the pain and suffering that these terrorists inflict on our community, country and world.

Under no circumstances should such tragic events justify bigoted responses peddled by hatemongers and those who seek to divide the United States. It was worth reiterating that terrorism targets people of all faiths, creeds and backgrounds.

We appeal to leaders all around the globe to work hand-in-hand to rid the world of this menace of Daesh.