The Al-Iman Endowment Fund was established to manage gifts in order to generate perpetual income, which shall be used for the furtherance of educational goals and objectives as set from time to time by the Fund.
Because your gift to the fund is not spent in its entirety, rather only a portion of it, the fund grows over time your and your gift continues to benefit the community forever giving you perpetual reward (thawab al-jariyah)
How to Contribute?
There are many ways you can contribute to Al-Iman Endowment Fund.
Direct Gifts
A gift of cash, stocks, bonds, real estate or personal property can be given outright.
Special Occasion/Memorial Gifts
Gifts may be given in honor of or in memory of friends and loved ones or in celebration of a special event, such as a birthday or anniversary.
Bequest in a Will
Through a Will, a person may make a gift of a specific asset, a percent of the estate, or a stated dollar amount.
Gift Annuity Agreements
A gift of money or property can pay the donor income for the rest of his or her life with the remainder going to the Endowment Fund.
Life Insurance
A gift of a life insurance policy can be made to the Endowment Fund.