Following is a list of questions as answered by Sheikh Fadhel Al-Sahlani, the North American Representative of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Hussaini Al-Sistani (May Allah give him long life)

Sejdah sahve for salam in namaz (sajdatā al-sahw)
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
205 views1 answers0 votes
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
195 views1 answers0 votes
Shariah law on investment
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
260 views1 answers0 votes
Father using haram methods of acquiring property
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
236 views1 answers0 votes
qaza namaz
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
268 views1 answers0 votes
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
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Working at Bank is halaal or haraam
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
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is Lobster Meat halal?
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
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Salmon fish
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
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Kalma shahadat
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
692 views1 answers0 votes
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
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Sharaii hukm for khula / Talaq from wife
Closedmehdi answered 1 year ago • 
309 views1 answers0 votes
Why do Shias mention imam Ali in their azaan?
Closedmehdi answered 2 years ago • 
1157 views1 answers0 votes
Authentic Hadith?
Closedmehdi answered 2 years ago • 
298 views1 answers0 votes